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Are drugstore reading glasses like an oil change at a quick lube?

April 9, 2016
Auto technician checking oil level on car dipstick | Auto Lab Libertyville IL

We think so. Here's why:1. Cheaters are a quick solution to an immediate need. Reading things close-up when your vision is blurry. Nothing more. An oil change at a quick lube station is a quick solution to the immediate need to keep your car’s engine lubricated. But by going to a quick lube, there won't be a complete inspection of your vehicle’s overall condition or identification of safety issues.2. Cheaters are cheap. But cheap in the short term does not equal cost savings. If your brakes go out while driving or your battery dies, leaving you stranded, you are going to spend extra for that tow truck and your loss of time. Both of these things could easily be prevented by having your car regularly inspected when you come in for an oil change at Auto Lab.3. Cheaters are convenient. It’s easier to pick up a pair while you’re shopping rather than set an appointment for an eye exam. But you can’t replace a good eye exam with a pair of cheaters. Annual eye examinations check your vision and the health of your eyes. Did you know that diseases such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, hypertension and rheumatoid arthritis can be caught early by an eye exam? Likewise, it requires an experienced ASE-certified technician to identify any repairs needed or perform necessary preventive maintenance other than an oil change. We may take a little longer to do your oil change, but that’s because we are doing more for you during that time.So, the next time you drive by that quick oil change station and think it is more convenient, less expensive or the same service, think again. And remember: With Auto Lab, you can drop your car off for an oil change and then borrow a loaner car or ask for a shuttle ride to get back home or to the office.

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