It’s not uncommon for drivers to push their cars to the limit without giving them the tender, loving care they routinely need. If you want to treat your car well and make sure it lasts for a long time, be attentive to signs your car needs maintenance. These can range from subtle noises to more noticeable system failures. To learn how to tell your car needs a tune-up, check out these common signs of trouble and how you can address them.
Your Dashboard Lights Up
Let’s start with the obvious—if your dashboard lights turn on, it may be time for some kind of maintenance service. While some lights, such as your headlight and turn signal indicators, help you drive safely, others that remain illuminated show that you need to fix an issue.For example, an oil can light tells you that your oil pressure is low. This could mean you need to change your oil, or specifically that your current oil is too thick to properly circulate through the engine. Also, a rectangular battery with a plus and minus sign can indicate you need to stop your car and immediately address some kind of battery malfunction. There are many more important dashboard lights—study them to plan how you’ll respond should they alight.
You Consistently Hear Noises
Consistent noises when driving or starting up your car also spell trouble. A sound when turning the ignition could signal an issue with your drive belt, a compromised electrical circuit, or a bad starter solenoid that engages the starter motor. If you hear noises when turning, it could indicate a bad power steering system, while a squeal or grinding noise when braking points to worn brake pads.
Your Fuel Mileage Plummets
When the parts in your car don’t work together well, it’s natural that your fuel economy isn’t optimal. If you want to determine if your vehicle needs a tune-up, track how many miles you travel until you stop to fill up again. If it drops, that could be a sign you need an oil change to better lubricate your engine. Other related factors potentially include low tire pressure, poor wheel alignment, a fuel injector malfunction, and more.
Your Engine Stalls Out or Misfires
A stalling or misfiring engine is one of the more dangerous ways your car can stop functioning. While a clogged oil filter and other complications could be at play, a common cause of engine inconsistency is a bad spark plug. If it becomes dirty and does not adequately ignite fuel, then you risk losing the power to propel your car; consequently, you may get caught on the side of the road.If you notice one of these tell-tale signs, consider trusting our team at Auto Lab with your car servicing needs. We offer transmission fixes, wheel alignments, headlight restoration, oil change services, and more in Libertyville, IL.